The Conference provides an excellent opportunity for sharing knowledge through presentations. The preliminary schedule for submittal of abstracts and manuscripts is shown below.
- January 1, 2018 :: Call for abstracts
- June 8, 2018 :: Abstracts submittal deadline DEADLINE EXTENDED!
- June 15, 2018 :: Abstract decisions to authors
- November 1, 2018 :: Draft manuscripts due to editor
- February 1, 2019 :: Peer review decisions to authors
- March 1, 2019 :: Final manuscripts due to editor
Requirements for Papers
All accepted papers will be presented at the Conference as poster presentations unless the author(s) is/are invited by the organizing committee to present the material as an oral presentation. An abstract of each paper must be submitted for review and acceptance. Upon acceptance of an abstract, full manuscripts will be due in accordance with the schedule presented above. Upon review, a final manuscript may be determined to require additional editing for final publication; therefore, a final "camera ready" submittal may be required. Papers are not required to relate to any particular topic, although the focus of the paper should fall within the general topics listed on the TOPICS page of this website.
All accepted papers will be published as a Special Publication by the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists, with an ISBN number, and the publication will be made freely available on-line to ensure maximum exposure and distribution. Select papers will be published in a special edition of the journal Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, which is co-published by AEG and the Geological Society of America.
Full Manuscripts
Full manuscripts, 4 to 8 pages in length, shall be submitted as Portable Document Format (PDF) computer files. The manuscript within the file shall be "camera-ready"; that is, it shall be complete, properly formatted, and ready in all respects to be directly included in the publications identified above. Each full manuscript shall be constructed in strict accordance with a defined template that is available for download. Download template...
Poster Presentations
All poster presentations should follow the instructions and recommendations contained in the poster instructions document that is available for download. Download instructions...
Oral and Keynote Presentations
Oral and Keynote presentations should be prepared to comply with duration requirements. Oral presentations should be no more than 20 minutes in duration, and Keynote presentations should be no more than 30 minutes in duration. Presenters should plan for a 3 to 5 minute question-and-answer period at the end of their presentation, which is included in the 20 or 30 minute target duration.
Oral and Keynote presentations are typically accompanied by visuals prepared with tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Such visuals are not required to comply with any defined template, design, or structure, and no template for their construction will be supplied by the Conference. Equipment at the Conference will display visuals in either 16:9 (widescreen) or 4:3 format. Visuals in 16:9 format will fill the screen vertically and horizontally; those in 4:3 format will fill the screen vertically but not horizontally, thus preserving the correct "look" of the visual.
Submittal of documents
All abstracts, draft manuscripts, and final manuscripts shall be submitted to the Conference staff through a web-based Document Management System (DMS) whose address is:
Persons wanting to submit documents for the Conference should visit the website listed above and create an account. Those who create an account for use in submitting an abstract should use their existing credentials to access the DMS for subsequent submittals. Do not create more than one account on the DMS; you must use the same DMS account for all submittals.
While it is not required that the person submitting documents is an author of a paper, all communication from the Conference staff concerning a paper will be directed to the person who submits the documents (the account holder). It is the responsibility of this person to communicate relevant information to the paper author(s).
For questions about paper submission or for help with the Document Management System, please contact the Conference staff using the contact information available here.
Attendance of Conference
At least one author of each accepted paper shall register for and attend the Conference and shall present the paper at the Conference in accordance with the applicable presentation schedule. Please do not submit an abstract if you do not plan to attend the 2019 DFHM meeting. Please have a backup author prepared to give your presentation should you not be able to attend. Registration for attendance of the Conference by the presenting author must be received no later than April 13, 2019 in order for your paper to be presented at the Conference and to be included in the publications identified above.